Friday, August 27, 2010

thank god for sluts

okay, it's a brand new school year.  thousands of incoming freshmen are all moved in and are adjusting to living a brand new lifestyle, including: waking their own asses up for class, going to bed whenever they want, consuming copious amounts of alcohol, and, of course, the seemingly-endless opportunities to hook up/have sex.  i remember when i was a freshman just two years ago.  i considered myself a very responsible, young adult. i woke my ass up, went to class about 90% of the time, i drank in moderation, i made dean's list spring semester and ended up with a 3.89 GPA overall (and am thankfully maintaining a 3.78... goddamn you accounting for lowering that for me).  as for the hookups, yeah of course i have had my chances. guys approached me, they said things to me, did i ever have drunken hookups? nah. drunk making out? yeah duh, who hasn't?

i look at underclassmen nowadays, and when i see them downtown or at parties, dressed scantily with skirts barely covering their asses, shirts exposing all but their nipples, and so much makeup caked on that you would think it is halloween, i can't help but think to myself: wow. low self esteem?  do you have any respect for yourself?  just... WOW.  but then i got to thinking about it again... and then i started thinking, hey, we NEED sluts around here.  in fact, i'll go as far to say that i'm thankful for the sluts we have around ECU (or "easy-u").

so, why am i glad that we have sluts around campus? a couple of reasons, really. listen to my logic, and you will understand:
1.) they put out.  think about it, sluts do the dirty so those of us who choose to be extremely picky/selective don't have to do it ourselves!  they get crazy, have all of the unprotected sex, worry about contracting nasty infectious diseases and spend all the money on plan B so we don't have to!  personally, i love not having to worry about whether or not i have a disease or when the date of my last period was. i mean damn, i never get my period anyways, so therefore i'm glad i don't have to worry about pregnancy.
2.) the respect issue.  ponder this: a girl is deemed a "slut".  this results in constant chatter about her behind her back when she is out in public.  do you really want to be talked about?  do you really want people speculating how many sexual partners you have had?  do you want people talking about how good or bad you were in bed?  personally, gossip about someone's private life does not sound appealing to me.  i wouldn't want someone talking about me in that way.  i see no problem in letting sluts do their thing and get talked about, because in the end, it makes the rest of us look classy, respectful, and appealing. 

so sluts, go ahead and keep doing your thing.  have fun, be safe, have a spare plan B by your bedside table, and always get tested.  peace bitches <3

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