Monday, August 23, 2010

round one: friday night

first of all, i need to establish the fact that my friends are better than yours. there are no if's, and's, or but's about it. my friends kick fucking ass-- moreso than your friends do. okay, now that we have that shit straightened out, here's some background info about these two ladies i spent my entire crazy friday night with:

sierra- one of my super awesome crazy roommates. my other roommate, brittany, is currently working and will be moving back the day before classes start. brittany kicks serious ass too, but she was not part of last night's adventures, so i will talk more about her hot self later. anyways, SIERRA: amazingly cool girl. she's a giant- 6 feet tall to be exact. super dark hair, tan skin, very funny, very hot. she can drink anyone under the table. sierra is fucking awesome.

april- april is my jew friend and unofficial fourth roommate. this girl means the world to me. you name it, and we have done it: going downtown, drinking together, eat together, crash together in bed, deep conversations, sex talks, crazy pictures, taking care of one another after becoming too intoxicated to function, crazycrazycrazy inside jokes, sharing clothes, everything. she's awesome and fun-sized-- she stands at a mere 5 feet tall but her personality makes up for her lack of height. she's awesome, i love her.

ANYWAYS, to sum up last night in a few sentences:
* we drink plenty before going to a frat house
* we get a ride from a cab, and while we're in the car, he tells us he's from brooklyn.  so, of course, we pick on his accent. i then proceeded to tell the cab driver that his car smelled like pot and asked if he smoked. he said no, of course. so i contested his response saying, "well, it's such a gentle herb man...."
* at the party: april falls down the stairs and takes it like a champ. her heels were ginormous, like 4 inches tall.  she literally fell, got right back up, and was just like, "shit, my knee pretty much hurts. where's a band aid dammit?"
* i met a guy at the party who had a thick british accent.  we started talking, and he was flirting quite a bit.  i asked where he was from and he said Ireland.  keep in mind, i was now drunk at this point, so i decided it would be bright to tell him that america kicked britain's ass in the revolutionary war.  ...yeah, not smart.  my drunk ass did not realize that the irish had nothing to do with that war which resulted in our freedom and current, sucky, nearly-socialist government. 
* we're all outside talking, and it was about 1:30 in the morning and we all decided to go back to the apartment.  so, i called the cab company, and all three of us waited for nearly an hour for a cab. we called back three times, asking where the damn cab was. they kept saying, "it's on the way." ...ummmmm no, that cab was NOT on the way dumbass.  if you have to wait for a cab that is supposedly waiting a few miles away for calls to respond to, it is NOT coming this way.  well, i saw a truck driving by, it stopped, so i yelled at it: "HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS GOING!?"  they said they were going to an apartment complex that was very, very close to my apartment complex.  so i asked them if they would drive us back to my place.  they said yes and to get in the truck.  so april, sierra, and myself got into this truck with random dudes we did not know, made conversation with them, then said thanks and went back upstairs to my place
* sierra made april some cheap lo mein noodles (basically, ramen).  april was amazed by them.  she called them the "asian version of cookout"  oh yes, she LOVED those damn noodles.  we all passed out, then woke up around 12 PM the next morning. no hangover, nothing. we win.

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