Thursday, August 19, 2010

deep thoughts

sooooo i was just having random deep thoughts in my head while i was driving... here is what i have come up with so far:

1.) i can't stand our government and the direction it is going in. and more importantly, i cannot stand high taxes. WTF. why should we have to give our money to the government and hope and pray that they spend our money wisely, when in reality we know that they make the poorest financial decisions ever?

2.) social security- it's gone. period. we are paying into social security and will not get anything out of it by the time we are retired.  this means that we will have to stay in our jobs until we're like 80 years old.  who wants to have an 80 year-old working at their office, hospital, school, or wherever else? and more importantly, what 80 year-old would want to be working a full 40-hour week?

3.) greenville drivers. i hate them. ATTENTION GREENVILLE DRIVERS: YOU CANNOT FUCKING DRIVE. YOU SUCK AT DRIVING. YOU NEED YOUR LICENSES REVOKED IMMEDIATELY.  jesus christ, i drive better after having 6 drinks than a sober greenville driver does.  it's called COASTING and BREAKING GENTLY...not slam on the breaks when you're 2 seconds away from rear-ending someone. god dammit guys, you embarrass me. you make all southern drivers look terrible.

4.) marijuana- it's more expensive than people think. seriously, like 1/8 of headies or mids or whatever the heck people get (i am not a ganj expert, so bear with me) costs them like $20, correct?  people think, "hey awesome this is cheap and we can get hiiiiiiigh!"  then you have to go and buy your blunt wraps, which are like $2.00 each, so say you buy one of those, roll it up, smoke, then after you smoke and you're high and on cloud nine, you get the munchies of course. so say you decide to go to a fast food restaurant, and you're starving and are craving the craziest food ever. so say you spend roughly $7-10 on food to satisfy your craving. that's over $30 right there for one night of smoking.  and if you are a regular ganj user, you obviously own a piece or a bong, and those cost mad money too, not to mention the upkeep of keeping the water clean and so forth; too expensive and completely not worth it in my opinion.

5.) sluts- either get tougher or stop putting out.  seriously, after giving a handful of guys easy access, you need to prepare yourselves for the gossip that is going to follow. i can't stand it when i hear girls complain and say bullshit like, "oh my god, i am so not a slut!"  or, "why do those guys talk crap about me?" ...hmmmm maybe boys talk crap about you because you banged a handful of their friends?  just a guess.  but anyways, if you aren't prepared for all of the gossip that will go on about you and your sexual encounters, how about laying off the hookup sex?  because like it or not, ladies, this world is entirely too small.  word gets around when you do something, or multiple somethings for that matter.  so either grow some backbone and decide not to care when someone talks about you behind your back, OR change your behavior. but always, get tested. thanks.

peace bitches

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