Friday, August 20, 2010

i take the scenic route

you know what.. i look at some people and how they live their lives, and i think to myself: damn, that person is so boring.  i mean seriously, so many people just live their lives "by the book" and they don't do anything crazy, interesting, or wild at all!  i mean really, who wants to hear someone's stories about how when they went to high school they went to football games and prom, and how when they went to college, they went out and drank and studied and chilled with their friends, and then after college they got married and had kids? wow. that's like ten bazillion people's life stories right there. i think taking a more scenic route of life is much funner. and by scenic, i mean crazy. i love doing crazy shit. you name it and i have probably done it. i've come up with my own dream of what i want to do in life, and i ever get the chance to do it, i'm taking off and never looking back. my dream plan:
1.) drop out of college
2.) fly to L.A.
3.) live in someone's basement and get a job waiting tables
4.) meet a famous producer at the restaurant i work at, give him my name, and go to talent agencies for auditions
5.) get small acting jobs
6.) become super rich and famous and to coke with strippers all night long in hot nightclubs
7.) die a happy, rich hollywood woman

that is all. any questions?

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